Sweet Summertime
Memorial Day weekend is almost here, and the kids are being released from school. Since we began homeschooling, and Cash spends his summers in Florida, there isn’t a whole lot of difference in our days, truth be told. It’s certainly hotter. We tend to start avoiding activities like the theme parks this time of year and drift more toward pools, water parks, lakes, and the ocean.
I still like to celebrate in a few ways. I stock the freezer with popsicles. Cash has more time to spend with his friends, who are out of school for the summer. We often plan a trip to see family- though I’m not yet sure if that’s in the cards for us this summer. I swap out the KitchenAid for an ice cream maker on the kitchen counter.
We have reinstated Tuesday's movie night. We’ll soak up the air conditioning week after week and watch all kinds of movies to break up the work week. You don’t have to be all that discerning when the tickets are $12 (for the two of us). This week, we watched Fall Guy, and I was pleasantly surprised. It made me laugh quite a few times—one of those laughs that you have to hold in because it’s going on a bit too long.
We’re currently on a kick of trying new foods. Cash has continued to be a super adventurous eater, so we want to branch out. He’s been making spam musubi for his lunches since he’s also on a huge Spam kick. It tickles me that that’s his obsession, but it’s also super cheap and easy to stock up on, so you won’t hear me complaining.
Our neighbors are going out of town this weekend, and I’m coming off a very busy two weeks, so we’re taking them up on their gracious offer to let us use their pool. The new Fortnite season is set to come out Friday as well, so I might just get to spend my weekend napping and reading poolside while Cash is busy gaming with friends.
Speaking of, I’ve been lucky enough to get to spend the last five weekends poolside. I plan to keep the streak up for as long as possible! I also am resolved to eat lots more corn on the cob.
Taking a greenhouse tour at EPCOT for Mother’s Day.