Ramblings and Reflections


Hi there.

I was reading a new blog from a lovely woman that I follow on Instagram, and felt inspired to write. I know that blogging, in general, isn’t cool anymore- if you have a blog, it generally has to be for a purpose- to get SEO for your business, usually. To teach people something. There need to be headings, subheadings, and steps to follow.

No one talks anymore about their weekend, or how they woke up at 3 am and couldn’t get back to sleep, or how it feels to have the seasons change. We get snippets in social media- short posts with mostly photos but not long-form writing.

I think that’s why I’ve kept this going for so long- I like to keep a corner of the web for me- simply as a creative outlet. A place to exist and to share- without an objective.

I’ve decided recently to split off the travel planning part of this site to its own home. I’ll announce it everywhere as soon as I’m able to port over most of the content I’ve built here. A lot of the decision behind that was wrapped up in the feeling that I want to keep Mindy+Cash as a home blog and not a travel business. I am excited to be able to fully devote myself to both in separate spaces.

A status update and our future plans

We are about to enter our busy season, and I couldn’t be more excited. I’ve drilled down what I want to accomplish with Mindy+Cash and the new travel site, with my social followings and all things business-related. I love the travel planning and building this business so much, but I always still want to be sure to make time for fun and family and friends.

I had dental surgery last week and am still recovering from that (I’m still on soft foods, no alcohol, and very little physical activity), but this weekend I get to go to Disney to celebrate a good friend’s birthday. We are going to visit Hollywood Studios, get drinks at Oga’s Cantina, and gather at Disney Springs.

Cash is super motivated to get fit and is making us join a gym.

We’ve got lots of birthdays to celebrate with dinner parties and a trip to Halloween Horror Nights (something Cash said he would NEVER do until a friend asked, and he couldn’t say no). I have clients and friends and client-friends coming to visit from all over, back-to-back all the way to November.

Cash and I started a tradition during the slow, hot season of late summer to do Tuesday movie nights. We can both get in to see a movie at AMC for $12 ($7.50 if I have a $5 off reward!). We’ve seen basically every single movie that’s come out in the last few months and isn’t rated R, and it’s been so fun. One night, pre-hurricane, we had an entire theater to ourselves until one other person came in right after the previews.

Cash is still pet-sitting and has plans to attend his very first dance.

We aren’t sure who is taller; many have measured, and so far, the data is inconclusive.

We are still homeschooling and loving it.

I haven’t been reading as much lately. I feel like I’ve been putting all of my extra energy into Mindy+Cash, but I also think it’s been difficult to find new books that I love. Hopefully, I’ll find some soon and get that balance back soon. For now, I love rereading snippets of this book when I’m feeling in a funk.

Thanks for reading!


Sweet Summertime


Our Family-Friendly Halloween Movie List