Spring planting, movie theaters, and a flat tire

It’s been a very full, fairly exhausting weekend. On Saturday, my boyfriend took Cash and I to see Sonic the Hedgehog. While I wasn’t chomping at the bit to see this movie, I’m really glad he took us, because Cash LOVED it and it ended up being a pretty good family movie. I spent the afternoon planning out my spring garden and digging a third plot. I made a trip to Lowes for seeds, and some soil amendments. I started composting last summer, and added a full bin to one of my lots about a month ago, but we don’t actually produce enough compost to keep my veggie beds satisfied, so I’m still grabbing a few bags to mix in.

Saturday night Cash handed me the remote and declared that there was nothing to watch so I found a new show called Lego Masters (which he loved), and introduced him to America’s Funniest Home Videos (which he super loved). We stayed up late hanging out and watching mindless television, and Cash declared it a perfect evening.

On Sunday, I got up early and planted corn, cucumbers, cantaloupe, watermelon, and zucchini. I started onion and eggplant seeds in my new mini greenhouse that I picked up at IKEA last weekend, and am loving. Then Cash and I headed down to Disney Springs to see Little Women. I booked the early afternoon showing so we could have a late lunch at the dine in theater, and so Cash could fall asleep in the giant comfy recliners if he didn’t enjoy the movie. He stayed awake the whole time, and told me that he enjoyed the movie. I adored it, and plan on enjoying it many more times when it comes out in digital format.

On the way home, as Cash snoozed in the back seat, my tire exploded on the highway. We were on a particularly bad stretch of road in the far left lane, and no one was letting me get over to the next exit. A kind police officer showed up and blocked the lanes next to me so I could pull off on the exit ramp. We waited for roadside assistance, and he showed up and changed our tire right as the storm rolled in. We spent the evening eating mac and cheese and fish sticks (comfort food!) and listening to the rain pour down.

I am not sure if it’s the tire stress (though we have many many things to be thankful for in that scenario), or the massive amount of gardening (did I mention I double dig out my garden beds by hand?), but I’m not walking into this week 100% refreshed. We’ll have a slow start, as Cash is out of school and will be accompanying me to work on Monday. We also hope to find out some news this week that will help out with a lot of the scheduling and school stress that has taken over our lives lately.

Did I mention that Valentines Day was lovely? Also, my boyfriend found frozen rolls that I’ve been looking for unsuccessfully in every grocery store for weeks and delivered them to my freezer yesterday? And that I was able to order groceries last night and my lovely Shipt shopper picked out my food and brought my order right into my kitchen for me, so I didn’t have to get back out in the rain? Also, I’m reading a really great John Grisham novel right now.

Staying thankful, and knowing we’ll get through it.


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