Too much


I’ve written approximately five posts in the last few months and haven’t posted them. There’s so much to say, and so much to argue about, and…I’m trying to stay kind. But man, with all of the bad things 2020 has dealt me personally, one of the worst is the weight of everyone just… arguing about everything.

In the last week or so, I realized I was in too deep. I’m an empath, meaning I feel other people’s feelings. If someone is stressed or upset or angry…I take that on myself. I also get stressed, upset, and angry, and I wear myself out. It came to a head this last week in particular. I was irritable with Cash; I felt tired all the time. I couldn’t get my mind to focus on anything. I was expecting the election to end and we would stop fighting. But almost immediately, all the fighting ramped up around COVID.

I have big feelings about the virus. It sucks (for everyone), and I am incredibly frustrated that it’s become so political and that people are ignoring it. I think that how you feel about it affects your choices and that these choices have life-threatening consequences. But I’m tired. I can’t convince anyone, and I can’t control them. I am only in charge of my castle. I get to make decisions for 1. Me 2. Cash 3. Dagney, and 4. Turbo. That’s it. That’s the whole list.

So…this week, I’m starting over. Here is what I’m doing to protect my emotional climate and my family’s well-being. I’m sharing this in case you need to make some decisions to protect yourselves.

Cut back on news feeds.

I think staying current on what is going on with COVID, our country, and the world is essential. Sticking my head entirely in the sand isn’t going to help me make informed decisions. However, refreshing my Twitter feed and reading play-by-plays all day isn’t necessary. I’m subscribed to The Skimm, and they send me updates in an email once a day. That’s all I need at the moment.

Cut back on (social) news feeds

I like using social media for so many things, but I will limit it to posting and maybe once a day scrolling to keep up with friends. I don’t need to hear everyone else complaining about how awful 2020 is. I don’t need to feel everyone’s feelings. And I’m making excellent use of that unsubscribe button.

Focus on what’s in front of me

I’m going to be more present with Cash. Play board games, and clean out the hall closet. Why is my hall closet still not clean, nine months into quarantine? IDK, man, I’m getting to it.

Reestablish good habits

  • Daily journaling

  • Setting my intentions for the day.

  • Setting a goal for the day/week/month and working towards it.

  • Going for walks.

  • Doing a yoga video.

  • Reading a daily devotional.

  • Meditation.

You know what works for you and what doesn’t, and if you’re unsure, try some things out! With the lack of a schedule and long to-do lists, I’ve slacked off with stuff that keeps me centered and focused. I’m going to work on putting them back into my life.

There’s my list for the week. I hope everyone has a super safe and pleasant Thanksgiving.


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