Weekend updates

Do you guys remember the good ole days of blogging, when you’d log on Monday morning, and tell everyone about your weekend? No “10 tips to do this or that,” just a “Hey guys, I planted some broccoli!” or maybe even just “I ate some broccoli!” and then you sign off and call it good? 

I miss those days sometimes. 

Maybe today I will tell you about my weekend. We didn’t do anything, really. No theme parks. Halloween week is so crazy bonkers with dressing up every day at school then two costume changes and an hour and a half of walking around the neighborhood on a weeknight, that I chose to do a very low key weekend. 

Friday night, my boyfriend came over. I fixed a pork tenderloin with veggies, and we all watched The Lion King. Saturday I drug the boys to the Winter Park Farmer’s market. BF got a Honey crisp apple and some boiled peanuts, Cash got some sort of Jamaican vegan ice cream that he loves and a giant carrot, and I bought all 400 veggies to make Ratatouille. Then we went to Trader Joes and picked up more food. 


The rest of the weekend I read and played with Cash. We played soccer in the back yard (an activity made much nicer by the cool front that came through). I taught Cash how to play poker. He picked up on it very quickly and seemed to like it, which was really fun. We watched Air Force One, which by the way is on Amazon Prime (you’re welcome). Harrison Ford is still one bad*ss President. 

I like to use the beginning of November as a pause. We always travel back to Oklahoma for either Christmas or Thanksgiving so Cash can visit his dad, and we do not go halfway on the holidays, so starting at the end of November we amp things way up. It’s nice to take time to rest, connect, consume lots of veggies and elderberry syrup, and self care it up before we travel, party, bake, and celebrate. 

Oh, and I also planted some broccoli.




Mommy guilt and sick kids