Let it all out, sister.

I found this list from a few years ago when I was looking through my journal. Sometimes things get all mixed around in your head, and it helps to get it out on paper. I can remember this stuff playing on repeat in my head over and over making me feel terrible. Once I wrote it down and saw it in black and white, it immediately lost it's power over me. In fact, once I started writing, I felt compelled to write down the good things too (spoiler alert: there were way more of those). Next time you're feeling down, try it out. 

Things I feel guilty about as a mom:

That I don’t stop and play with my kid every moment from 5-9 every night. With maybe a tiny break for fixing dinner. Sometimes I read, sometimes I talk on the phone or sit outside on the porch or work on a craft project. And I don’t have much time with him, because I’m at work all day. Weeknights...every other weekend. That’s it. 

That he probably eats too many Cheetos.

That he sleeps with me, and he has a later bedtime than pretty much other kid his age. That I know of. I don’t really ask around, because I’m nervous to. 

Maybe I buy him too many toys.

Things I feel like I’m doing pretty awesome at:

He knows I love him.

I cook and clean, I play with him, we do activities and take little field trips. I buy him a lot of fun toys. We laugh and tickle and I give him lots of kisses and hugs. 

I show up to all of his t-ball practices and games and he doesn’t really ever have to wonder if I’ll be there for him.

I try and make our home inviting and comfortable. I make sure he has a clean, safe place to call home.

I make sure he’s surrounded by people who love him.

I am honest and open with him (in an age appropriate way). I always find time to answer his questions, address his fears, and help him figure out how to navigate life. 

He always has clean clothes. And is usually dressed pretty cute.

Taking an interest in his education, and trying to make sure he’s in a safe learning place, despite any sacrifices that may include. 

I finished by putting this quote at the bottom. If you're feeling guilty, chances are, you're doing a wonderful job, so take care of yourself and give yourself some grace:

“If you’re a mom, what you do is nurture and protect and give grace. You do it all the time, and it’s very important, because it reminds us, in daily, tangible ways how God nurtures and protects and gives grace. And maybe today the one who really needs that nurturing and protection and grace is you. “ Shauna Niequist, Bittersweet



Safe Spaces


Podcast: How I Built This with Guy Raz