A little rant about being flaky


Note: I did a little editing here, because I took this photo from a social media page that I normally really enjoy and my intention here is not to smear someone else's company or brand. However...

Have you ever noticed that people seem to be less and less committed to keeping their word? I noticed it a little in high school, more in college, and now it just seems normal. You make plans, and then people will cancel for almost no reason at all. 

You guys, we can do better than this! Let’s not pretend that flaking on our friends, our commitments, or ourselves is a joke or cool or even a necessary part of life. 

Let’s change our reputation from "flaky" to people that can be counted on. I’m one billion times for committing to times of rest and self care, but not at the expense of going against our word. If you're not feeling up to it, just say no. 

Let’s think before we make promises, and when we do, let’s be known for keeping them. It's not cute to be someone who can't keep their word. 


No More Pity Parties


Questions you can ask your kid to actually find out how his day was