The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
We are huge fans of Harry Potter in our house, and have had the honor of getting to spend hours wandering around both of the wizarding worlds at Universal Studios Florida and Islands of Adventure. Here are some blog posts I’ve written with our experiences.
the best souvenir at Universal
I tell everyone, if you (or your spouse, or kids) are even the slightest fans, then you want to budget $55 to get an interactive wand. Yes, they are pricey, but they are worth it. Read our reviews, how they work, and the best place to buy them here.
hidden treasures to explore in diagon alley and hogsmeade
There is so much to see and explore in both Harry Potter lands, you could spend hours (and I totally have) just wandering around looking at all the details. Here are a few “secret” spots and tricks that you don’t want to miss while you’re wandering.