Secrets of the Wizarding World that you don't want to miss.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios, Florida has so many things to explore. There are a lot of special experiences that are somewhat hidden, but will make your trip so much more fun. I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss any of them!

Cash standing on the steps of 12 Grimmaud Place in Universal Studios Florida, wearing floor length Harry Potter robes

Call the Ministry of Magic (Universal Studios, London)

There is a red phone booth located in London, just outside of Diagon Alley (Universal Studios side). If you go into the phone booth, and dial 62442 (MAGIC) into the phone, then you’ll reach the Ministry of Magic.

See Kreacher at Number 12 Grimmauld Place (US, London)

Also in London, you can see a row of houses that look fairly normal until you realize you are at Grimmauld Place. If you watch carefully for a few minutes, you can see Kreacher the house elf peeking out from behind the curtains of number 12.

Goblin at Gringotts Money Exchange in Diagon Alley at Universal Studios Florida

Gringotts Money Exchange (Us, Diagon alley)

In Diagon Alley, there is a place that you can go to exchange your muggle money for Gringotts bank notes in $10 or $20 denominations. These can be spent anywhere in the wizarding world, and exchanged back to muggle money later. Be sure to ask the goblin on duty a question, he just might answer back.

Eternelle's Elixer of Refreshment- Fire Protection Potion, Elixer to Induce Euphoria, and the Draught of Peace

Eternelle's Elixir of Refreshment (Us, diagon alley

There is a little kiosk across from the money exchange that allows you to buy potions that you can mix into your water bottle. They come in all kinds of fun flavors and colors. This is a fun way to make sure everyone stays hydrated in the Florida heat!

Cash posing with Ernie outside the Knight Bus in London at Universal Studios Florida

Hang out with Stan and Ernie (US, London)

Don’t forget to stop by and say hi to everyone’s favorite Knight Bus conductors on your way in to Diagon Alley!

Moaning Myrtle (Islands of Adventure, Hogsmeade)

Sorry, this one is only for the ladies! If you listen carefully when you enter the bathroom in Hogsmeade, you can hear Moaning Myrtle talking through the pipes.

Tour the Castle

The queue for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey takes you right through the Hogwarts castle. Even if you choose not to ride, I strongly recommend taking a tour anyways. All you have to do is tell a team member you’d like to do a walkthrough, and they will show you a back door to exit once you get to the actual ride. Also, if you’re an express pass kind of person, it’s worth it to take the normal line at least once. You’ll get to walk through the greenhouses where students take their Herbology lessons with Professor Sprout, see the counters where they track the Hogwarts house points, view tapestries, walk through Dumbledoor’s office (and see his pensieve), stroll through the Gryfindoor common room, talk to the portrait of the fat lady, see the sorting hat, view the talking portraits, eavesdrop on Snape’s Potions classroom, and more!


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