Animal Kingdom: We finally made it around the kingdom!

Cash and I LOVE Animal Kingdom, but until last weekend, we had yet to actually make it all the way around the park. We always get stuck in Pandora or Africa riding our favorite rides over again or visiting Zuri’s Sweet Shop. This time, I was determined. We didn’t get to actually do everything, but we did make it for a walk all the way around, and found a few new cool features we will definitely be back to investigate further.

First of all, let’s get this out of the way: How adorable is this shirt that Cash got for his birthday?? It even has his name on the back. I’m normally low key opposed to putting kids names on their shirts at places like Disney, but he’s 9 now, and he’s aware that he’s not supposed to go with a stranger just because someone knows his name is Cash.

We arrived and went immediately to Pandora. I know, but I had Na’vi River Journey Fast Passes, and we hadn’t been on that one yet! Cash asked FIVE different cast members to make sure there were NO DROPS. As I had told him already…there weren’t. It was very beautiful, slow moving, and we liked it. I took some pictures on my phone, but they turned out blurry. Trust me, it’s pretty.

Next, we headed across Discovery Island to Dino Land. We had Fast Passes to see Finding Nemo The Musical. We were a little ahead of time, so we popped into the very beginning of Dino Land and found the coolest explorer/play area. Cash loves the little dig area outside of the Dinosaur restaurant at Disney Springs….well, we found a giant one, and there was literally no one there.

After we played a bit, we headed over to watch Finding Nemo. It was a really cute show, more of a full feature (30 minutes) than a short quick sketch. The costumes were really amazing, and I would highly recommend getting fast passes for it if you can. We were able to get right up next to the stage, where they walk out and interact with members of the audience. It added a lot to the experience.


After the show, we wanted to check out some baked mac and cheese that I had read about. The stand is called the Eight Spoon Cafe, and is technically in Discovery Island, but it’s tucked back right by the entrance to Asia, so we’d never seen it before. We tried the Baked Macaroni and Cheese Served with Shrimp and Sweet Chili Sauce. It was a pretty good helping for $6.49. We each got our own order instead of sharing, and it left us just enough room for some ice cream to finish off lunch. The mac and cheese was delicious, Cash told me to tell you all that he HIGHLY recommends it. The kiosk is really cute too, it makes for some fun pictures!

After this, Cash was ready to head home since he’d had a busy birthday-party-filled-day the day before, but the weather was too gorgeous, and Asia was right there, so I bribed him with the promise of ice cream and we headed off to explore.

Let’s just say: it was beautiful. We went on a little hike to see tigers, bats, and Komodo dragons, among other things. These are one of my favorite things to do in AK; it feels like a zoo in that you get to see so many animals, but they really make it feel more natural. This habitat felt like you were walking through ancient ruins, and it was soooo pretty. I couldn’t stop taking pictures, and I want to go back with my Nikon. Be sure you take your Wilderness Explorer guide in with you; Cash got a lot of new stamps for his book!

Next, we met some very nice people from India, who taught us all about their country (part of the Wilderness Explorer badge program), then we got the aforementioned ice cream. This time we got the ice cream sandwiches, and yum. I think I still like the classic Mickey Ears bars better, though.

We rounded off our trip by going to Zuri’s Sweet Shop (Africa) and the adjoining gift shop. Cash received a Disney Gift Card for his birthday and it was, of course, burning a hole in his pocket. He used the freedom that having his own money afforded him and bought the largest candy tube they sell, in addition to a Simba stuffed animal. I should add that these candy tubes are officially his favorite treat at the parks. It’s not anything fancy; basically a giant pixie stick, but he LOVES them. I’ll be sending the dentist bill straight to Disney. But: Look at that grin. :)


Our No-Spend park days


Magic Kingdom: Small worlds, long lines, Tomorrowland rope drop, and Christmas magic