Pandemic diaries


The internet is so stressful right now. We are in week three? Four? Of staying home for the coronavirus. Honestly, it’s been fine. We have gotten a little restless; particularly when Cash rediscovered Pokemon Go (coincidentally it was the day after I let him “stay up as late as he wanted!” and there were many tears over the fact that I wouldn’t take him out.) 

I’m not sure what levels of rules are “right” or “wrong.” I have friends and family who are still going out to work every day, grocery shopping, eating take out. I have some who are just seeing grandparents, some that aren’t see anyone, some that are working hard in hospitals or grocery stores whether they want to or not. I have some that are staying home and not ordering take out. The levels of self-isolation are many, and everyone has an opinion

There is so much anger towards people who won’t stay home (I’ve felt it), where the people who aren’t staying home don’t seem to care or notice. Some people think it’s all a big conspiracy, some think “I’m fine, I’m not sick, and neither is John, so we’re going to hang out.” Some people think it’s okay to hang out in groups, as long as you stay 6 feet apart. 

I just don’t think any of it is going away, especially since there is never going to be a time when everyone just literally stays home outside of a few really essential personnel. There are too many exceptions. Everyone has their own excuses and levels of following social distancing. It’s exhausting to keep up with, and have an opinion about, and I’m over trying. 

Everyone is also dealing with it very differently. There are some that are very loudly not okay. I feel for them, and I’m happy they are finding an outlet in writing for their hard things, but I also kind of wish they wouldn’t spread the lie that this is extremely hard for everyone. That no one is okay, and all of our kids are struggling, and none of the working parents are getting their work done, and this is all terrible. I read an article where someone with the title of doctor loudly proclaimed that literally no one could teach, parent, and work from home at the same time. It made me feel really sad for the people that she was lying to, because it made it all feel so hopeless. It also made me really mad, because the second I was able to stay home and work and teach my son, our world got so much less stressful and more manageable. The stress for our family came from commuting and too many outside expectations. I don’t appreciate them spreading lies that might jeopardize other people’s ability to stay home. I see someone’s boss reading that, and thinking “Oh god, my employees that are parents aren’t doing their work” and sending them back to the office as soon as possible. So everyone is different, and let’s just not pretend otherwise to make ourselves feel better. 

I’m sure there are a lot of families out there right now doing just fine, and not posting about it. Sure, a lot of us are getting a little stir crazy. Cash and I occasionally have moments where we just make loud noises to get it out of our system. We have an impromptu dance party. My cat is driving me nuts. I love her, but must you sit on my lap and stab me repeatedly with your claws all the time?? So, sure. Moments. But overall, at our household, I’ve been working more than ever, and it’s been very productive. Cash and I have played games and made art and watched movies. I cleaned out my guest room and gardened and read. I’ve cooked 98% of our meals. And it’s been very chill. We don’t have the option to go out and do anything, so for our family...there’s not really any extra stress. 

There’s my experience. It’s not big and dramatic. It’s a little weird, and interesting to be a part of this time in history. I pray for all of my friends who are stressed out and having hard times. I pray for those without jobs and those who are getting sick and having babies. We are doing our part to stay home, without creating exceptions, and we’ll continue to do so until it’s safe out there again. 


Rocking that stay at home life, month two


Deschooling Week Six