When your babies aren't home

I talked to Cash this afternoon. It did my heart a world of good. Last night I had a really hard time falling asleep. This happens a lot when he’s not home. No matter what happens throughout the day, if I have him next to me or in the next room, and can hear him breathing, see his peaceful sleep then I know he’s okay. When he’s not home, it’s hard for me to quiet my thoughts. Is he comfortable? Did someone read to him or tuck him in? Is his Teddy secure under his left armpit? Are his sheets clean? Is he scared? Did someone make sure he ate his vegetables? Brushed his teeth? Is he staying active? Is he learning anything new? 

So I lay in bed and pray for his protection. For him to feel secure and loved and healthy. I plotted and planned all the ways I was going to work this summer to get in better shape and organize the house so we would have more time and energy to do all the things when he gets home.

With all of those thoughts and the night fresh in my head, I did something I don’t normally do and did a Mom-style interrogation on him. He seemed to enjoy it. Yes, he’s staying active. He beat his sister 10-2 in basketball, went for a walk around a local park, played with his cousin. Yes, he’s getting enough sleep. In bed by 10 every night, a perfectly acceptable summer bedtime. Doubtful he’s eating his veggies, though he might have been just messing with me. He seems like he’s feeling happy and healthy. 

So I got online and ordered him a toy off of Amazon, and I’ll keep praying and exercising and keeping our life together here for when he gets home. 


On Consuming less...of everything


In times of rest and reset